Commanding Officer

Commanding Officer - J. E. Fernandes LCDR USN
LCDR James Edwin Fernances, USN, was born and raised in Tiverton, RI. After graduation from high school in 1944, he enlisted in the Navy's V-5 program. He underwent training at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT, Navy Preflight Schools at Chapel Hill, NC and St Mary's, CA, and finally, boot training at Great Lakes, IL. He then served in the deck force of USS Navarro (APA-215) until his release fro active duty in July 1946.
In 1951 he was appointed Ensign, USNR. Recalled to active duty in 1956, then LT (JG) Fernandes , served in USS Franklin D Roosevelt (CVA-42) as Education and Training Officer and later as Gunnery Division Officer. In 1957 he was augmented into the regular Navy as a Lieutenant and was ordered to the USS Bausell (DD-845). His next assignment was as Executive Officer of USS Vammen (DE-644).
In 1961, he reported to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, where he designed and developed the Navy's computer-based ship planning system. He was Commander of the USS Maloy (DE-791) prior to assuming command of the USS Wilhoite (DER-397)